1412 views | 0 0 | Last updated on Oct 14, 2016 coffee
Thank you for all your comments about the coffee shop -- your suggestions show that you value the coffee shop, which we’re glad to hear! The cafe has only been open for a year and a half, and we look forward to seeing it continue to evolve to meet your needs.
Meriwether Godsey, the university’s dining services provider, operates the coffee shop, and we have passed along your comments and suggestions to them. We understand that your biggest concerns revolve around the quality of the drinks, the number of available hours, and the selection of food products, and MG is aware of all of these concerns. We have shared your comments with MG.
Lee McMillan, director of dining services, has contacted Greenberry’s about additional training for the student assistants who work at the coffee shop. In addition, dining services is sending over a variety of more nutritious items, such as Kind Bars, Yogurt granola bars and Kashi bars. They will monitor sales to see if these items address the concerns about the food selection.
For a variety of reasons (a desire to not compete with the Moody coffee shop; the availability of student workers; a drop-off in sales after 9 p.m.), no additional hours are currently planned for the coffee shop.
We will keep you informed of any additional changes, as MG continues to fine-tune the service and offerings of the coffee shop.
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